Production Highlights

Communal Spaces 2019

Communal Spaces 2019
Communal Spaces 2019

Communal Spaces 2018

Communal Spaces 2018
Communal Spaces 2018

Communal Spaces 2015

Derek Ang, David Rodriguez, Jillian Stevens

Both the chronology of one of Brooklyn’s many historic community gardens, and an epic clash between the audience and some evil gentrifying robots. Grab your water gun and protect the garden!

Written by David M. deLeon, directed by P. Tyler Britt
part of Communal Spaces 2015
Produced by The Motor Company
Image Gallery


Sajda Waite and Gamal ElSawah

Gamal El Sawah and Sajda Waite

The audience is encouraged to keep their cell phones on during the performance to participate in the characters’ facebook, twitter, live chat rooms, video games, and more.

Photo Gallery | Video Gallery | Instagram | Facebook
Written and Directed by David M. deLeon and Esther Ko
Produced by The Factory

Reviews: | The Reviews Hub

Play, or, The Bacchants (Workshop)


Tae Braun, Jillian Stevens, Macy Idzakovich, Jake W. Turner

Beckett meets Bacchus in this play about plays and playing along.

Written by David M. deLeon, directed by Jonathan Harper Schlieman
Produced by The Factory for Full-Length Play Reading Series
Image Gallery

The Massacre of the Suitors

odyssey project

Viraj Gandhi

Odysseus has been among you this whole time. He’s that dirty, dangerous looking man in the corner, clinging to his cart and his oar. You are in his house. He wants his revenge.

Written by David M. deLeon, directed by Jonathan Harper Schlieman
Produced by Red Leaf Theatre for The Odyssey Project

CLICKBAIT Workshop Production

Clickbait Workshop production

Andy Montesdeoca and Gamal El Sawah

A promenade-style production in the halls of Hunter College. Join the cast as they move from club room to classroom to hallway, and follow them online and off. Oh and someone probably died. Sadface.

Written and Directed by David M. deLeon and Esther Ko
Produced by the Theatre Company at Hunter
Image Gallery

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