Come join us for a lovely night of poetry! Witness contemporary, groundbreaking work by featured poets David M. de León and Jade Yeung and stay for an open mic afterwards to share your own work or hear from others. Signups for the open mic are first come, first served, and doors will open at 5:45.
More about our featured guests:
David M. de León is a writer, academic, and theater artist. His poetry, short fiction, and nonfiction appears or is forthcoming in places like AGNI, The Volta, Fence Magazine, Acentos, The Yale Review, Strange Horizons, Diagram, and Ate Mais: Until More, the anthology of Latinx futurisms, as well as Best of the Net. He was a Tin House Summer Scholar and received aid from the Fine Arts Work Center. His poetry manuscript The Cats of Old San Juan was shortlisted at PANK and the Andrés Montoya prize, and his prior manuscript On a Field in the Present was a finalist at Pleiades Press and Tupelo Press. He has a Ph.D. in English literature from Yale University and is a senior editor at The Yale Review. His academic work focuses on long-form works by Black poets and musicians in the era of Black Lives Matter.
Jade Yeung is a Toishanese American writer and artist from Brooklyn, NY. They are the author of ANTI, a chapbook from Black Warrior Review. Jade has received support from Hedgebrook, Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, Community of Writers, and Fine Arts Work Center. They have appeared in Honey Literary, Queen Mob’s Teahouse, and Kissing Dynamite. Jade received her MFA from Rutgers University-Newark where she was a Trustee Fellow. Find them at jadeyeung.com or on IG @jadedisk.
Please also note that the library is not accessible; entrance requires going up a small flight of stairs.